Hans and Lea Grundig Award 2015. Special commendation in the field of theory by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation for "Essays on aesthetic experience in the work of Anselm Kiefer" [Germany, Berlin, 26.11.2015]

Public review / Commentary by Lambert Wiesing, philosopher from the Friedrich Schiller University, 2009, in Jena, Germany
on the perceptual-philosophical approach of Martina Sauer in the succession of cultural anthropological oriented philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: "Perception of meaning before any verbal or intellectual formulation,"  in: Art History. Open Peer Reviewed Journal: [12/2009]

PhD degree 1998 with magna cum laude from the University of Basel, faculty of history and philosophy, department "Kunstwissenschaft", supervised by Prof. Dr. Gottfried Boehm. Topic of the doctoral thesis: "Cézanne - van Gogh - Monet. Genese der Abstraktion," 2nd ed., Heidelberg University Library 2014:

Socrates Fellowship 1986-87 at the Sorbonne in Paris, France

Peggy Guggenheim Fellowship in April 1986
at the Museum in Venice, Italy

Master's degree with honors 1989 from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany with a major in art history and minors in classical archaeology and philosophy. Topic of the master's thesis: "Color and Form" in Cézanne's late work. A contribution to the image valence of landscape paintings using the example of the "Rochers près des grottes au-dessus de Chateau Noir"



Züricher Hochschule der Künste, Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts

2012, May to September

Research project at the Institute for Cultural Studies, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Basel, Dr. Martina Sauer, FHNW HGK and the Institute of Neurosciences, Parma, Italy, Prof. Dr. Vittorio Gallese with PhD student Katrin Heimann:

Abstract.Amodal.Affective: Exploring Unconscious Aesthetic Processes in the Creation of Art/Design - A Contribution to the Question of Knowledge and Competence in the Visual Arts

Project team:

  • Applicant: Prof. Martin Wiedmer (FHNW HGK, IDK)
  • Co-applicant: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade (ZHdK, Zurich)
  • Project representative: Dr. Martina Sauer (FHNW HGK) and Katrin Heimann (PhD student, Institute of Neuroscience, Parma)
  • Assistants: Jana Kessler (MA graduate, Fashion Institute) and Yolanda Bürgi & Elin Gonzalez (students, Institute of Art) & Silvia Bergmann (filmmaker/technology)

Cooperation partner/practice:

  • Prof. Kurt Zihlmann, FHNW, HGK Basel Institute Fashion Design
  • Prof. Andreas Wenger, FHNW, HGK Basel, Institute for Scenography and Interior Design, 
  • Prof. René Pulfer, FHNW, HGK Basel, Institute of Art
  • Prof. Vittorio Gallese M.D, University of Parma, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze - Section di Fisiologia, Universita' di Parma

Cooperation partner/theory:

  • Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade, ZHdK Zurich, Head of the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts
  • Prof. Dr. Lambert Wiesing, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Chair of Image Theory and Phenomenology
  • Prof. Dr. Raphael Rosenberg, University of Vienna, Institute for Art History

Cooperation partners/young scientists:

  • Katrin Heimann, PhD student with Vittorio Gallese, Institute of Neuroscience, Parma, Italy
  • Dr. Vlad Ionnesco, University of Leuven, Belgium, Philosophy/Art Studies
  • Daniel Hug, PhD student, AD Interaction Design, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK

Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy,

Fresenius Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences, AMD Akademie Mode & Design Hamburg,

and Institute of Technology Genua/Parma, Italy

Research Project in Hamburg/Germany

Summer Term 2022

Affective Perception and Design

together with AMD Hamburg / FB Design at Hochschule Fresenius: Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner and the Institute of Technology (IIT) Genoa/Parma, Italy CONTACT lab, Dr. Giuseppe Di Cesare and Giada Lombardi: and students from AMD Hamburg

June 13, 4 p.m. public guest lecture (hybrid) on "Affective Perception and Design" by Dr. Giuseppe di Cesare and PhD student Giada Lombardi ITT Genua/Parma, Italy, AMD / FB Design at Hochschule Fresenius, Alte Rabenstrasse 1, 20148 Hamburg, Room 1.01 (1st floor)

June, 14, lecures and workshop with students and the faculty: Giuseppe Di Cesare on "Affective Perception" and Martina Sauer on "The connection between vitals affects, vital forms and meaning formation: research backgrounds in cultural studies: Hamburg Circle 1919-1933"

Presentation of Results:

German Society for Semiotics. International and interdisziplinary conference  Signs.Cultures.Digitality

2024, September 24. -28.

TU Landau, Germany

DGS Panel Image & Fashion (Martina Sauer and Petra Leutner): Metaverse - KI and New Aesthetics? hybrid, D/En,. Program

CfP of the panel image and fashion (hybrid, Ger/En) by Martina Sauer (image) und Petra Leutner (fashion) on Metaverse - KI and New Aesthetics?

Keynote speech

Martina Sauer (image and cultural philosophy, Germany)

Giuseppe Di Cesare (neurosciences, Italy) 

Vitality forms in action, speech, and design: a powerful communication tool for social interactions 


Di Cesare, Giuseppe et al. The neuronal basis of vitality forms. In National Science Review 7 (2020), 20213

Lombardi, Giada and Giuseppe Di Cesare. From Neuroscience to Art:

The Role of “Vitality Forms” in the Investigation of Multimodality. In Art Style 10, special issue on Multimodality, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, 09/2022, 1123

Lombardi, Giada, Martina Sauer and Giuseppe di Cesare. An Affective Perception: How “Vitality Forms” Influence Our Mood? In Art Style 11, special issue on Atmosphere and Mood, edited by Martina Sauer & Zhufez Wang, 03/2023: 12739

Sauer, Martina. Abstract  Affective Multimodal. On the processing of moving images following Cassirer, Langer and Krois. In Bildkörper. On the relationship between image technologies and embodiment, hrsg. v. Lars Christian Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, Norbert M. Schmitz. Büchner: Darmstadt 2016, 4671

Sauer, Martina. Developmental Psychology / Neuroscience and Art History - A Contribution to the Discussion of Form as the Basis of Perception and Design Principles. In, June 2011, 110

Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy and

Department of Food and Drug Sciences, University of Parma, Italy

Research Project in Parma/Italy

Summer Term 2025

Neurosciences and Humanities:

Affective Perception - Synchronization Effects - Design

Projekt Team:

Dr. Phil. Martina Sauer (Image and Cultural Philosophie)

Dr. Med. Giuseppe Di Cesare (Neurosciences)

Charlotte Engelke (B.A. Candidate Design)

Project Description:

What constitutes synchronization effects (coordination processes) of opinions, ideas, attitudes in a community? Why and how do they occur? To what extent does this also take place through images?


They are the neuroscientist Giuseppe Di Cesare from the research group form Parma in Italy on mirror neurons and vitality forms and philosopher and image scientist Martina Sauer form the Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy from Germany and her research on vitality semiotics (VS) and her former student, the B.A. candidate in design, Charlotte Engelke, form the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, AMD, Hamburg, who in their joint research project in Parma are specifically investigating on a neuroscientific basis how synchronization effects are stimulated through design.



Di Cesare, Giuseppe et al. The neuronal basis of vitality forms. In National Science Review 7 (2020), 20213

Lombardi, Giada and Giuseppe Di Cesare. From Neuroscience to Art:

The Role of “Vitality Forms” in the Investigation of Multimodality. In: Art Style 10, special issue on Multimodality, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, 09/2022, 1123

Lombardi, Giada, Martina Sauer and Giuseppe di Cesare. An Affective Perception: How “Vitality Forms” Influence Our Mood? In: Art Style 11, special issue on Atmosphere and Mood, edited by Martina Sauer & Zhufez Wang, 03/2023: 12739

Sauer, Martina. Abstract  Affective Multimodal. On the processing of moving images following Cassirer, Langer and Krois. In: Bildkörper. On the relationship between image technologies and embodiment, hrsg. v. Lars Christian Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, Norbert M. Schmitz. Büchner: Darmstadt 2016, 4671

Sauer, Martina. Developmental Psychology / Neuroscience and Art History - A Contribution to the Discussion of Form as the Basis of Perception and Design Principles. In:, June 2011, 110.

Sauer, Martina.Marshall McLuhan in a new light. Old and new methods of influencing emotions in communities of the electronic age. In: Lars Grabbe, Andrew McLuhan & Tobias Held (eds.). Beyond media literacy. Marburg: Büchner 2023, 14-32.

Sauer, Martina. Vitality Semiotics (VS) and the Implications of Synchronization in Frames. Highlighted via the break caused by Katharina Sieverding's Transformers. In: Natalia Igl & Martina Sauer (eds.). Frames and Framing: Dynamic Nature and Material Cognitive Interplays, special issue Zeitschrift für Semiotik, 3/4.

Expert and Jury Activities

Senior Editor, Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine, New York/São Paulo:

Scientific board member and co-leader section Image, DGS, German Society of Semiotics:

Scientific board member, GiB, Gesellschaft für interdiziplinäre Bildwissenschaft,

Editorial board member, Yearbook of Moving Image Studies (YoMIS):

Editorial board member, IMAGE, Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft:

Expertise for: University of Chicago PressSource. Notes in the History of Art, USA

Expertise for: Penn State University Press. The Stone Art Theory Institutes, USA

Expertise for: Sztuka i Filozofia [Art and Philosophy], Warsaw, Poland

Jury member: University of Witten-Herdecke: academy discourses

Jury member: Bauhaus-University Weimar: Photo exhibition "Go Abroad"

Jury member: University of Art and Design, Basel

MA graduates, member of the examination board, with:

- Fanni Fetzer (Kunsthaus Langenthal)

- Silvie Defraoui (Multimediakünstlerin)


BA graduates, member of the examination board, with:

- Dr. Nina Zimmer (Kunstmuseum Basel)

- Renate Buser (photo artist)

Jury member: KIT, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology: IT Security Short Film Award


- Dr. Beatrice Lugger, National Institute for Science Communication

- Dr. Anett Holzeid (ZKM)

- Dr. Desiree Tillack (Vdi / Vvde / It, Institute for Innovation and Technology)

- Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade (KIT, KASTEL, Competence Center for Applied  SecurityTechnology)

Jury member: Institute for Graphic Design, Prof. Erwin Poell

Jury member / management: Atelier scholarships at Mummelsee, Dieterle Touristik


- Dr. Margit Brehm, Rupertinum Salzburg

- Dr. Isabel Greschat, Frieder Burda Collection, Baden-Baden

- Sandra Eades, artist

Jury member: Reuchlinhaus Pforzheim, 7th local time "übersetzen" with

- Prof. Dr. Manfred Fath

- Dr. A. Lechleiter

- Prof. Werner Pokorny

- Susanne Messerschmidt, artist

Jury member: Künstlerkreis Ortenau, member exhibition

Scientific Board: GiB: Society for Interdisciplinary Image Science

Scientific Board and Lead of Section Image: DGS: German Society of Semiotics

Senior Editor: Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine (New York/São Paulo)

Editorial Board: IMAGE, Journal of Interdisciplinary Image Science

Editorial Board Member: YoMIS: Yearbook of Moving Image Studies

Membership DGAe: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik

Membership KWG: Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V.

Membership International Society of Ernst Cassirer

Membership DGPhil: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie

Call for Papers

Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine, New York / São Paulo:
Senior Editor:

#issue_11: edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner

Call for Essays for the special issue on: Multimodality: On The Sensually Organized and at The Same Time Meaningful and Socio-Culturally Relevant Potential of Artistic Works/ Deadline 28.02.2022. Published 06/2022.

#issue_10: edited by Martina Sauer and Zhuofez Wang

Call for Essays for the special issue on: Atmosphere and Mood. Two Sides of The Same Phenomenon/ Deadline 28.02.2022, Published 06/2022:

#issue_7: edited by Elisabeth Günther und Martina Sauer

Call for Essays for the special issue: On the Material Image. Affordances as a New Approach to Visual Culture Studies / Deadline 27.11.2020. Published 03/2021:

#issue_6:  edited by Martina Sauer

Call for Essays to the special issue: On the Postmodern Age / Deadline 04.05.2020. Published 09/2020:

German Society of Semiotics (DGS):

Scientific Advisor, Head of the Section Image, Editor:

CfP (Deadline March 3, 2024)Frames and Framing: Dynamic Nature and Material-Cognitive Interplays, edited by Natalia Igl & Martina Sauer, as a special issue in Zeitschrift für Semiotik, edited by Ellen Fricke und Martin Siefkes, Tübingen: Stauffenburg

Conference in Landau 2024 (hybrid)

24.-28.09.2024, International Congress of the German Society of Semiotics at the RPTU in Landau (Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität): Signs.Cultures.Digitalities:

Keynote speech of the image scientist Martina Sauer from Germany, and the neuroscientist Giuseppe Di Cesare from Italy:
"Vitality forms in action, speech, and design: a powerful communication tool for social interactions"

November 30, 2023 Deadline: Call for Papers of the panel Image and Fashion (hybrid) / Martina Sauer (Image) and Petra Leutner (Fashion) on the topic: Metaverse - AI and New Aesthetics?, CfP PDF here, application and inquiries to (Image) or (fashion).

Conference in Chemnitz 2021 (online)

(postponed: Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 2021) German Society of Semiotics (DGS), 16. international congress, Technische Universität Chemnitz: Transformations. Signs and their Objects in Transition. Program

(09/2019) CfP of the panel Image and Cultural Studies / Deadline 01.12.2019: by Jacobus Bracker, Klaus Sachs-Hombach, Martina Sauer (Image) und Elize Bisanz, Stephanie Schneider (Cultural Studies): Images as Agents of Cultural Transformation Processes.

(09/28/2021: 2,30 pm) Opening lecture of the panel image by Martina Sauer on the topic "Vitality Semiotics. Impulses from the "Hamburg Circle" around Warburg and Cassirer for a new method in image and cultural studies", in: Book of Abstracts, 137: Video on youtube: Martina Sauer, Künstlerische Strategien

(07/2022) Release conference publication of the Section Image: Bilder als Agenten kultureller Transformationsprozesse, edited by Martina Sauer and Jacobus Bracker. In IMAGE, Issue 36, 8/2022

Conference in Passau 2017

German Society of Semiotics (DGS), 15. International Congress, Universität Passau, 12. - 16. September 2017: Boundaries. Contact – Communikation – Contrast

(1/2016) Contribution by Martina Sauer to the lecture series of the DGS, German Society for Semiotics, University of Passau: Boundaries. Contact - Contrast - Communication, Winter term winter term 2015/1016, Thursdays 6-8 pm, Room (PHIL) HS 4, Topic: Boundaries between aesthetics and semiotics?, (07.01.2016)

(09/2017) CfP Section Image
by Elisabeth Birk, Mark Halawa Sarholz, Martina Sauer on "Iconic Borderlines: Scenarios of the Own, Other and Foreign in the Image": Program

(09/2017) Panel discussion of the Section Image: Conception, organisation by Martina Sauer:

On the ethical relevance of images and their non-linguistic (non-discursive) qualities:

  • Eva Schürmann (Philosophy, Magdeburg)
  • Joachim Knape (General Rhetoric, Tübingen)
  • Moderation: Martina Sauer

(07/2018) Release conference publication of the Section Image: Ikonische Grenzverläufe, edited by Martina Sauer. In IMAGE | Issue 28 | Special Issue | 7/2018

SWR 2 Wissen: Aula, 27.05.2012, 8:30 to 9:00 Uhr: A picture is a picture. How does our perception work? Article and YouTube


YouTube 20-minute talk,
Vitality Semiotics and Katharina Sievering,

28.09.2021: In German

YouTube 20-minute talk, 
Vitality Semiotics and Katharina Sievering,

28.09.2021: In English

05.10.2024 “They even grew fond of them” (Kant 1784). About role models from women (and men), Schloss Favorite, Rastatt, privat

24. - 28.09.2024, Keynote speech Martina Sauer and the neuroscientist Giuseppe Di Cesare from Italy on "Vitality forms in action, speech, and design: a powerful communication tool for social interactions" at the 17. international congress of the German Society of Semiotics (hybrid) at the RPTU in Landau (Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität) about Signs.Cultures.Digitality

23.05. – 25.05.2024, Vortrag über "Lady Gaga: Storytelling von Frau & Körper im postfaktischen Zeitalter" auf dem Symposium der Münster School of Design in Kooperation mit der Universität Regensburgder über Storytelling/Transdisziplinär – Symposium Crossmediale Ästhetiken und postmoderne Mythenmaschinen: Bildkritik und Kommunikation im postfaktischen Zeitalter

14.06.2022 Lecture about Affective Perception and the ´Hamburg Circle´ at the Workshop of the research project on Affective Perception and Design with Giuseppe Di Cesare and Giada Lombardi (Neuroscientists, Genova/Parma, Italy) at Hochschule Fresenius, AMD, Hamburg

09/2022, Keynote speech on Vitality Semiotics: The Ever Beautiful and its Potential for an Intercultural Approach at Zhejjang University, Hangzhou, China, the internationale Online-Konferenz über Aesthetics of Atmosphere in an Intercultural Perspective, China (Publication in 2024, forthc.)

28.09.- 02.10.21 Opening lecture of the panel image on "Vitality Semiotics.

Impulses from the "Hamburg Circle" around Warburg and Cassirer for a new method in image and cultural studies" at the international and interdisciplinary online congress of the German Society for Semiotics (DGS) on Transformations. Signs and Objects in their Transition at the TU Chemnitz, 20 minutes video presentation on YouTube: in English and in German

10.7.2021: 7 pm,  Series of events "Kultur im Klappstuhl" of the city of Bühl/Baden in summer 2021, lecture in the monastery courtyard of the Maria Hilf Monastery on How do our lives work side by side? The promise of happiness, security and community"

16.-18.10.20 International and interdisciplinary online conference on: Frames and Framing in Antiquity at Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC), Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, P. R. China:  Section: Transfer Theory - Practice, wiht a lecture on: Promise of Happiness, Security and Community − Frames and Framing in a new Light

06.08.20, 7:30 pm: Lecture series on: Enlightened or Manipulated? A look into our Society [
Summer dialogues 2020] of the city of Baden-Baden at Museum LA 8 with a lecture on: Are we Enlightened? Questions for Immanuel Kant Today


03.04.20, Conference on: Aesthetics at the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland, UK,  (verschoben, neuer Termin noch offen), Topic: Liberation from the parasitic existence at the ritual´. Perception of artistic artefacts between devotion and distance


02/19 Conference on: „Critical Zone“, Universität Hamburg, Warburg Haus: Topic: Interaction of nature and man after Ernst Cassirer: Expressive phenomena as indicators


12/18 International and interdisciplinary conference on: The Future of Reading and Media [Fure+], at Münster School of Design, wiht a lecture on: Concept and Method for Understanding Analog and Digital Media:

Cf. conference fotos: Cf. article by BDG, Berufsverband der Kommunikationsdesigner


11/18 International and interdisciplinary conference on: Mehrdeutigkeiten: Rahmentheorien und Affordanzkonzepte in den Archäologischen Bildwissenschaften [Topoi Plus] at Free University of Berlin (FU) with a lecture on: Bildgestaltung und Mehrdeutigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Affordanz und Rahmen:


11/18 International and interdisciplinary conference at University of Freiburg i.B. on: Homo Pictor. Bildwissenschaft und Archäologien im Dialog, wiht a lecture on: Panofsky – Warburg – Cassirer. From Iconology to Image Studies


09/17 15th international conference of the German Society of Semiotics (DGS) at Universität Passau, Panel Section Image, organized by Elisabeth Birk, Mark Halawa-Sarholz and Martina Sauer, with 18 lectures about Ikonische Grenzverläufe: Szenarien des Eigenen, Anderen und Fremden im Bild, Program


09/17: Panel discussion on: Die ethische Relevanz von Bildern und ihre nicht-sprachlichen (nicht diskursiven) Qualitäten, with Eva Schürmann (Philosophy, Magdeburg) und Joachim Knape (Allgemeine Rhetorik, Tübingen), organized and moderated by Martina Sauer.


06/17, 4–6 pm: Public lecture series at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik on rhetorics, with a lecture on: Rhetorik und Ästhetik. Zur Handlungsrelevanz von Bildern.


10/16: Symposion on Ernst Cassirer: Einflüsse, Rezeptionen, Wirkungen, of the International Society of Ernst Cassirer, at Warburg Haus, Hamburg, with a lecture on: Ernst Cassirer und die Kunsttheorie: Einflüsse und Nachwirkungen

01/16 Lecture series on: Grenzen, Vortrag im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Ringvorlesung Kontakt – Kontrast – Kommunikation of the German Society of Semiotics (DGS), winter term 2015/2016, thursdays 18-20 Uhr, University of Passau, Room (PHIL) HS 4, 26.11.2015, with a lecture on: Grenzen zwischen Ästhetik und Semiotik?


11/15 Guest lecture with discussion on: Stimmung« als Modus des Erlebens von Bildern, in: HS Prof. Dr. Roland Posner, Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation, TU Berlin: Die Rolle der Zeichen im Aufbau von Kultur: Atmosphäre, Stimmung, Aura, Milieu, 11.06.2015.


07/15 Conference of ISRE (International Society for Research on Emotions), with a presentation on: Framing Emotional Perception: Affect and Effect of Aesthetic Experience, or Extensions of Aesthetic Theory towards a Visual Semiotics, Genf, Switzerland, 8.-10.07.2015


06/15 Guest lecture with discussion on »Nicht-intentionale oder intentionale Logik? Zur Frage der Eigenlogik von Bildern«, in: HS Prof. Dr. Roland Posner, Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation, TU Berlin: Nichtkommunikative Zeichenprozesse: Struktur und Funktion, 11.06.2015


02/15 Conference on: techne - poiesis - aisthesis, of the German Society of Aesthetics at Hamburg, lecture: Bildkraft und Tatkraft: Zum Verhältnis von ästhischen Erfahrung und Technik bei Cassirer, Langer und Krois


02 /15 Workshop on John M. Krois at the Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, HU Berlin


11/14 Interdisciplinary and international conference on: Kognition – Repräsentation – Verkörperung: Erlebnisdimensionen und Sinnhorizonte audiovisueller Artefakte [Bewegtbilder], at FH Kiel, 20.-21.11.2014, with a lecture on: Abstrakt. Affektiv. Multimodal. Zu den Grundlagen der Interaktion zwischen Medium und Wahrnehmung von Bewegtbildern aus Sicht der Verkörperungstheorien von Cassirer, Langer und Krois

06/14 LangArts (Langage artistique Asie-Occidant), international and interdisciplinary conference on: Aesthetic Notions: Framing Emotional Perception, at Université de Paris-Sorbonne, France, with a lecture on: Process of Evaluation: Affect and Effect of Aesthetic Experience


03/14 Interdiciplinary conference on: Illustrierte Zeitschriften um 1900: Multimodalität und Metaisierung, at Universität Bayreuth, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät:, with a lecture on: Zum Gehalt von Bildern im Medientransfer. Kunst- und kulturwissenschaftliche Überlegungen zu Mechanismen, Prozessen und Praktiken der Bedeutungsgenerierung durch das bzw. im Medium Bild


04/13 Interdiciplinary conference on: Medientransfer der Gesellschaft für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, at the University of Regensburg, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, with a lecture on: Zur Analogie von Gestaltungsprinzipien und Wahrnehmungsweisen. Ein Beitrag zur zeitgemäßen Erkenntnis des Bildes im Medientransfer


02/12 International conference on: "Les enfant de Herbart", at the Université de Paris-Sorbonne, France and the University at Prag, Czech Republic, with a lecture on: Aesthetic formalism in the German-speaking area today: non-verbal dialogue image theory


09/11 Colloquium at the University of Parma, Department of Neuroscience, Italy, Prof. Dr. Vittorio Gallese with a lecture on: Aesthetic formalism today: non-verbal dialogue image theory


07/11 Interdisciplinary conference on: Bruch - Schnitt - Riss. Deutungspotenziale von Trennungsmetaphorik of the Studienstiftung des dt. Volkes at Warburg-Haus, Hamburg, wiht a Lecture on: Kunst als ästhetische Strategie: Differenz von Hingabe und Distanz als Bruch und Voraussetzung für eine neue Form des Dialogs


04/11 International conference on: Ursprünge der Bilder. Anthropologische Diskurse in der Bildwissenschaft, of the Interdisciplinary Society of Image Sience Bildwissenschaft (GiB) at TU Chemnitz, with a presentation on: Cassirers Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Ursprung der Bilder


01/11 Interdisciplinary conference on: Passagen – Gedankengänge zwischen Kultur und Glauben with Hartmut Böhme on Heilige Dinge. Zur Verwechselbarkeit von Hostie und Geld (Lesung, Gespräch, Werkstatt) of the Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands (EDK) at Wittenberg, with a lecture on: Vom Aufladen mit Bedeutung in Kunst und Sprache (Cassirer, Warburg, Böhme)


09/11 First congress of art history in Switzerland, Bern, on: Affekt in Kunst und Visueller Kultur, with a lecture in the section of image on: Affekte als Grundlage für ein Bildverstehen? Zur Tragfähigkeit (kultur-) anthropologischer Forschungsansätze.


03/10 Public talks at Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel (HGK), Switzerland, with a lecture on: Art feminine. Bild- und kulturtheoretische Überlegungen


06/09 Colloquium at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena of Prof. Dr. Lambert Wiesing, with a lecture on: Wahrnehmen von Sinn vor jeder sprachlichen oder begrifflichen Fassung? Frage an Ernst Cassirer


11/06 Interdisciplinary conference on: Visuelle Repräsentation in der Forschungspraxis Universität at Leipzig, Leipziger Kreis – Forum für Wissenschaft und Kunst, with a lecture on: Wahrnehmungsvorgang und Kulturprozess


05/06 Lecture series of the University Witten-Herdecke, with a lecture on: Anselm Kiefer.


01/06 Colloquium series at University of Witten-Herdecke, with a lecture on: Ernst Cassirer Bildbegriff und Kulturtheorie

Atmosphere and Mood: Two Sides of the Same Phenomenon, edited by Martina Sauer and Zhuofei Wang, New York and São Paulo: Art Style 11, 2023.

Multimodality. The Sensually Organized Potential of Artistic Works, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, New York and São Paulo: Art Style 10, 2022.

Bilder als Agenten kultureller Transformationsprozesse, edited by Martina Sauer and Jacobus Bracker. Tübingen: IMAGE 36, 082022.

2nd ed. 2022. Heidelberg:

On The Material Image. Affordances as a New Approach to Visual Culture Studies, edited by Elisabeth Günther and Martina Sauer, New York and São Paulo: Art Style, 7, 2021.

2nd ed. 2021. Heidelberg:

On the Postmodern Age, edited by Martina Sauer, New York, São Paulo: Art Style 6, 2020.

2nd ed. 2020, Heidelberg:

Josef Albers, „So ist Kunst … Erlebnis“, mit einem Vorwort von Ulrike Growe, Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop [Bauhaus Presonenreihe, hg. v. Elke Beilfuß], Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft: Wiesbaden 2018.

Review on Amazon

Ikonische Grenzverläufe. Szenarien des Eigenen, Anderen und Fremden im Bild, edited by Martina Sauer. Tübingen: IMAGE 28, 2018.

2 nd ed. 2018. Heidelberg:

Faszination – Schrecken, Zur Handlungsrelevanz ästhetischer Erfahrung anhand Anselm Kiefers Deutschlandbilder. 2nd edn. Heidelberg:, 2018

In the first edition awarded in the field of theory by the Hans-und-Lea-Grundig-Award 2015 of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation [Berlin, 26.11.2015]

Cézanne – van Gogh – Monet, Genese der Abstraktion. 2 nd ed. Heidelberg: 2014.

PhD thesis with Gottfried Boehm, Universität Basel, Switzerland, 1989

Faszination – Schrecken, Zur Handlungsrelevanz ästhetischer Erfahrung anhand Anselm Kiefers Deutschlandbilder. Heidelberg: 2012

Awarded in the field of theory by the Hans-und-Lea-Grundig-Award 2015 of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation [Berlin, 26.11.2015]

Das Weimarer Modell. Jahrbuch der Fakultät Gestaltung, edited by Martina Sauer. Weimar: Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft 2009, vergriffen, antiquarisch

cf. for more information: Bauhaus University Press

Kunstpfad am Mummelsee. Faltkataloge, edited by Martina Sauer, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002

Cézanne – van Gogh – Monet, Genese der Abstraktion. Bühl 1999/2000

PhD thesis with Gottfried Boehm, Universität Basel, Schwitzerland, 1989

Paul Cézanne, Leben und Werk. Dortmund: Harenberg, 1991

12/2024 Vitality Semiotics: The Ever Beautiful and Its Potential for an Intercultural Approach: In Atmospheric Design andEveryday Aesthetics [Contemporary Aesthetics, 12], edited by David Brubaker and Zhuofei Wang: 111.

01/2024 Towards Vitality Semiotics and a New Understanding of the Conditio Humana in Susanne K. Langer, in: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Susanne K. Langer, edited by Lona Gaikis. London: Bloomsbury, chapter 15, 223238.

07/2023 Marshall McLuhan in a New Light. Old and New Methods of Influencing Emotions in Communities of the Electronic Age, in: Beyond Media Literacy [Welt, Gestalten, 7], edited by Lars Grabbe, Andrew McLuhan, and Tobias Held. Marburg: Büchner 2023, 1432.

07/2023 Encyclopedia: Debatte zwischen spekulative Ästhetik versus Ästhetik als Formwissenschaft 1830-1870, in: Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, Bd. 1/2, Die Philosophie des 19. Jahrhundert: Deutschsprachiger Raum, edited by Gerald Hartung,  Basel: Schwabe 2023, § 16, 425447.

2nd ed. 2024: UB Heidelberg. Publikationsplattform Kunst- und Bildwissenschaften,, Heidelberg 2024.

With additions in the bibliography including web links

05/2023 Interaction of Nature and Man after Ernst Cassirer: Expressive Phenomena as Indicators, in: Critical Zone [Visual Past, 7], edited by Jacobus Bracker and Stefanie Johns: 147161.

03/2023 Giada Lombardi, Martina Sauer and Giuseppe Di Cesare, An Affective Perception: How ‘Vitality Forms’ Influence our Mood, in: Atmosphere and Mood. Two Sides of the Same Phenomenon [Art Style, 11], edited by Martina Sauer and Zhuofez Wang: 127139.

07/2022 Abstract – Affective – Multimodal: Interaction between Medium and Perception of Moving Images from the Viewpoint of Cassirer’s, Langer’s and Krois’ Embodiment Theories, in: Multimodality: The Sensually Organized Potential of Artistic Works, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner [Art Style, 10]: 25—46.

2nd. ed. in English. with kind permission of the editiors of the series Moving Images Lars Chr. Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse und Norbert M. Schmitz

09/2021 Responsibility: The Charge of Meaning in Art and Language, in: Metropolis: Visual Dynamic and Democratic Ideals II  [Art Style, 8, 1], edited by Christiane Wagner: 153—167.

Translation form German with kind permission form the Evangelical Church in Germany, EKD

03/2021. 2nd ed. 2021. Affordance as a Method in Visual Cultural Studies Based on Theory and Tools of Vitality Semiotics. A historiographic and comparative study of Formal Aesthetics, Iconology, and Affordance using the example of Albrecht Dürer’s Christ Among the Doctors from 1506, in: Material Image: Affordances as a New Approach to Visual Culture Studies  [Art Style, 7], edited by Elisabeth Günther and Martina Sauer: 11—37.

03/202. 2nd ed. 2022. Von Bildimpulsen zu Vitality Semiotics. Affordanz und Rahmen (frames) aus kunstgeschichtlicher Sichtweise am Beispiel der Exekias-Schale in München, in: Mehrdeutigkeiten: Rahmentheorien und Affordanzkonzepte in den Archäologischen Bildwissenschaften [Philippika - Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 60], edited by Elisabeth Günther and Johanna Fabricius. Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden, 79—103.

Cf. Review: Benjamin Engels. In Gnomon 1/96. 2024

2020. 2nd ed.2020. Panofsky – Warburg – Cassirer. From Iconology to Image Science, in: Homo Pictor. Bildwissenschaft und Archäologien im Dialog, edited by Jacobus Bracker [Freiburger Studien zur Archäologie & visuellen Kultur, 2], Propylaeum: Heidelberg 2020, 159—171.

09/2020. 2nd ed. 2020. What is reality? Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Judith Butler, and the artist Karin Kneffel on the deconstruction of the familar as liberation from determiniation, in: On the Postmodern Age  [Art Style, 6], edited by Martina Sauer, 101—120.

09/2020 Introduction to the Special Issue On the Postmodern Age, in: On the Postmodern Age [Art Style 6], edited by Martina Sauer: 9.

2020 From Aesthetics to Vitality Semiotics – From l´art pour l´art to Responsibility. Historical change of perspective exemplified on Josef Albers, in: BildGestalten. Topographien medialer Visualität [Bewegtbilder], edited by Lars C. Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, and Norbert M. Schmitz, Büchner: Marburg, 185—205.

12/20192nd ed. 2020. Framing Emotional Perception: Affect and Effect of Aesthetic Experience, or Extensions of Aesthetic Theory Towards Semiotics, in: Art Style, 4: 73—87.

06/2019. 2nd ed. 2019. ´The Better Form´: Josef Albers´s Idealistic Concept of Art Reveals its Socio-Cultural Function, in: Bauhaus Special Edition [Art Style, 2], 33—50.

2018. 2nd ed. 2020. Warburg und die Natur(-wissenschaft): Affektpsychologische Fundierung von Kultur im Hamburger Kreis um Warburg, Cassirer und Werner und deren Nachwirkungen, in: Image Senses [Visual Past, 8], edited by Jacobus Bracker, Stefanie Johns, and Martina Seifert: 261—298.

2018. 2nd ed. 2019. Kunstgeschichte als Kulturwissenschaft? Cassirers Beitrag zur Vermittlung der Relevanz der Kunst für das Leben, in: Ernst Cassirer in systematischen Beziehungen: Zur kritisch-kommunikativen Bedeutung seiner Kulturphilosophie [Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 40], edited by Thiemo Breyer and Stefan Niklas. Berlin: De Gruyter, 239—260.

2016. 2nd 2017. Ikonologie und formale Ästhetik: eine neue Einheit. Ein Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte in Kunstwissenschaft und Kunstphilosophie im Anschluss an die (Bild-) Akt-Theorien Susanne K. Langers und John M. Krois, in: Sztuka i Filozofia [Art and Philosophy, 47, Warschau]: 12—29.

2016. 2nd ed. 2016. Das Bild als eigenständiges semiotisches System. Kunst- und kulturwissenschaftliche Überlegungen zu Mechanismen, Prozessen und Praktiken der Bedeutungsgenerierung durch das bzw. im Medium Bild, in: Illustrierte Zeitschriften um 1900: Mediale Eigenlogik, Multimodalität und Metaisierung [Edition Medienwissenschaft], edited by Natalia Igl and Julia Menzel. Bielefeld: Transcript, 137—165.

Review: Walter Delabar, 5. Mai 2017 in:

2016. 2nd ed. 2017. Abstrakt – Affektiv – Multimodal. Zur Verarbeitung von Bewegtbildern im Anschluss an Cassirer, Langer und Krois, in: Bildkörper. Zum Verhältnis von Bildtechnologien und Embodiment [Bewegtbilder], edited by Lars Chr. Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, and Norbert M. Schmitz. Büchner: Darmstadt, 46—71.

2015. 2n ed. 2015. Bildkraft und Tatkraft: Zum Verhältnis von ästhetischer Erfahrung und Technik im Anschluss an Cassirer, Langer und Krois, in: Techne – poiesis – aisthesis [Reihe Kongress-Akten], Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik, 3], edited by Birgit Recki: 1—25.

2015. 2nd ed. 2017 Visualität und Geschichte. Bilder als historische Akteure im Anschluss an Verkörperungstheorien, in: Jenseits des Illustrativen. Visuelle Medien und Strategien politischer Kommunikation [Schriften zur politischen Kommunikation, 20], edited by  Niels Grüne and Claus Oberhauser. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 39—60.

Cf. Hans and Lea Grundig Award 2015 of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation:
Special appreciation in theory for "Essays on aesthetic experience in the work of  Anselm Kiefer"

08/2014. 2nd. ed. 2015. Ästhetik und Pragmatismus. Zur funktionalen Relevanz einer nicht-diskursiven Formauffassung bei Cassirer, Langer und Krois, in: IMAGE, 20: 49—69.

2014. 2nd ed. 2015. Kunst als ästhetische Strategie. Differenz von Hingabe und Distanz als Bruch und Voraussetzung für eine neue Form des Dialogs, in: An den Grenzen des Bildes. Zur visuellen Anthropologie [Interpretation Interdisziplinär, 15], edited by Philipp Stoellger and Marco Gutjahr, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 115—130.

Cf. Malte Dominik Krüger, review, in: Theologische Literaturzeitung 9/2015

2013. 2nd ed. 2013. Verantwortung - Vom Aufladen mit Bedeutung in Kunst und Sprache. Zu den Konsequenzen aus den kulturanthropologischen Ansätzen von Cassirer, Warburg und Böhme, in: Mitteilungen — zur Erneuerung evangelischer Predigtkultur [Kirche im Aufbruch, 5], edited by Kathrin Oxen and Dietrich Sagert, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsgesellschaft 2013, 15—33.

Lecture at the conference of the protestant church in Germany, Wittenberg: 01/2011

11/2012. 2nd ed. 2015. La beauté de l'ardeur pour la vie (suisse artiste d´art vidéo Pipilotti Rist à St. Gallen), in: Les Lettres et les Arts, Cahiers suisses de critique littéraire et artistique, 14: 58—61,

Also in German. Heidelberg:

04/2012. 2nd ed. 2015. Zwischen Hingabe und Distanz - Ernst Cassirers Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Ursprung der Bilder im Vergleich zu vorausgehenden (Kant), zeitgleichen (Heidegger und Warburg) und aktuellen Positionen, in: IMAGE, 15: 14—26.

06/2011. 2nd. ed. 2015. Entwicklungspsychologie / Neurowissenschaft und Kunstgeschichte - Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion von Form als Grundlage von Wahrnehmungs- und Gestaltungsprinzipien: 1—10.

01/2011. 2nd. ed. 2015. Affekte und Emotionen als Grundlage von Weltverstehen. Zur Tragfähigkeit des kulturanthropologischen Ansatzes Ernst Cassirers in den Bildwissenschaften, in: IMAGE, 13, 01: 55—65.

2010 Wie lässt sich der "Wahnsinn" verstehen? Bild- und kulturtheoretische Konsequenzen aus dem Faschismus aus dem Werk Anselm Kiefers, in: Academia [22.07.2010].

2010. 3rd ed. 2015. Benjamin revisited. Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter der digitalen Medien, in: Kunstgeschichte. Open Peer Reviewed Journal: 1-5 [04.02.2011]; und in: Silo Magazin No 1/2010, Jonas Schulte & Viet Hoa Le (eds.), Diplomprojekt, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, 14—15.

With notes by Simone Neuber [19.07.2010].

2010, 2nd. ed. 2014. Cassirers Bild- versus Kunstbegriff, in: Das Bild als Denkfigur. Funktionen des Bildbegriffs in der Philosophiegeschichte von Platon bis Nancy, edited by Simone Neuber and Roman Veressov. Fink: München, 183—198.

12/2008, 2nd ed. 2015. Wahrnehmen von Sinn vor jeder sprachlichen oder gedanklichen Fassung? Frage an Ernst Cassirer, in: Kunstgeschichte. Open Peer Reviewed Journal, 1—26 [21.12.2008]

Cf. review/commentary by Lambert Wiesing, philosopher from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena on the perceptual-philosophical approach of Martina Sauer in the succession of cultural anthropological oriented philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: "Perception of meaning before any verbal or intellectual formulation", in: Art History. Open Peer Reviewed Journal [12/2009]

02/2006, 2nd. ed. 2015, Faszination und Schrecken. Wahrnehmungsvorgang und Entscheidungsprozess im Werk Anselm Kiefers, in: Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, 51, 2: 183—210.

Cf. Hans and Lea Grundig Award 2015 of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation:
Special appreciation for "Essays on aesthetic experience in the work of Anselm Kiefer" [Berlin, 26.11.2015].

07/2005, 2nd. ed. 2013 Beschreiben - Benennen - Deuten. Vom Wahrnehmen zum Verstehen aus kunstwissenschaftlicher Sicht, in: Studium fundamentale. Semesterzeitung Universität Witten-Herdecke, Summer Semester, 14.04.-07.07.2005: 15.

Version supplemented with notes

Marion Lauschke, Franz Engel, and Johanna Schiffler (eds.): Ikonische Formprozesse. Zur Philosophie des Unbestimmten in Bildern, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2018, in: sehepunkte 19 (2019), Nr. 4:

Anna M. Bartsch. Form und Formalismus. Stationen der Ästhetik bei Baumgarten, Kant und Zimmermann [Epistemata. Würzburger Wissenschaftliche Schriften. Reihe Philosophie, 581]. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2017, in: sehepunkte 18 (2018), Nr. 7/8:

Daniel Martin Feige and Judith Siegmund (eds.). Kunst und Handlung. Ästhetische und handlungstheoretische Perspektiven [SFB 626 Ästhetische Erfahrung im Zeichen der Entgrenzung der Künste]. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015, in: sehepunkte (2016), Nr. 2:

Emmanuel Alloa (ed.). Erscheinung und Ereignis. Zur Zeitlichkeit des Bildes. München: Fink, 2013, in: sehepunkte 15 (2015), Nr. 1:

Lambert Wiesing. Sehen lassen. Die Praxis des Zeigens. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 2013, in: sehepunkte 14 (2014), Nr. 3:

Horst Bredekamp and Marion Lauschke (eds.). John Michael Krois, Bildkörper und Körperschema. Aufsätze zur Verkörperungstheorie ikonischer Formen. Ger/En. Berlin: Akademie, 2011, in: sehepunkte 13 (2013), Nr. 4:

Siri Hustvedt. Mit dem Körper sehen: Was bedeutet es ein Kunstwerk zu betrachten?, München & Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2010, in: sehepunkte 13 (2013), Nr. 1, :

Sigrid Schade and Silke Wenk. Studien zur Visuellen Kultur. Einführung in ein transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2011, in: sehepunkte 12 (2012), Nr. 4:

Gottfried Boehm, Birgit Mersmann, and Christian Spies (eds.). Movens Bild, Zwischen Evidenz und Affekt. München: Fink, 2008: sehepunkte 10 (2010), Nr. 7/8:

Lambert Wiesing. Die Sichtbarkeit des Bildes. Frankfurt/M.: Campus, 2008: in: sehepunkte 10 (2010), Nr. 7/8:

Hans Ulrich Reck. Eigensinn der Bilder. Bildtheorie oder Kunstphilosophie?. München: Fink 2007, in: sehepunkte 9 (2009), Nr. 10:

Hartmut Böhme. Fetischismus und Kultur. Eine andere Theorie der Moderne. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2006, in: Kunstchronik, Monatsschrift für Kunstwissenschaft, Museumswesen und Denkmalpflege, 7, 2007 [Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in München, Mitteilungsblatt des Verbandes Deutscher Kunsthistoriker e.V.]. ART-Dok:

VII. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ästhetik, 29.09.2008-02.10.2008, Jena: Ästhetik und Alltagserfahrung, in: Design Report, 1/09, S. 72: Auf Distanz zum Gewöhnlichen, mit Elke Beilfuß: Vgl. zweiten ausführlicheren Beitrag zum Thema in HsK  [18.11.2008]:

ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst- und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Graduiertenkolleg: Bildprozesse. Imagination und das Imaginäre im Dialog zwischen Kultur- und Naturwissenschaft  [05/2007], in: [18.06.2007] und:

Eikones, Basel, 1. Jahrestagung des nationalen Forschungsschwerpunktes: Bildkritik. Macht und Bedeutung der Bilder, 26.10.-28.10.2006: Movens Bild. Zwischen Evidenz und Affekt: [13.11.2006] und:

Research and Teaching at Universities and Academies of Art and Design

Universität Witten-Herdecke:


Research assistant and cultural officer

- Seminars in philosophy and cultural reflection with a focus on art
- Seminars in the Study Fundamental of the university




- Supervision of the Artist in Residence program with exhibitions at the university and studio visits:

SS 2005 Hartwig Kompa, painting;
WS 2005 Karl-Manfred Rennertz, sculpture;
SS 2006 Katharina Sieverding, photography

- Supervising of the Kunst am Bau project with acquisition of third-party funding
- Establishing of the university's own collection

(WS 2004) Seminar mit Exkursion:  Genese der Abstraktion, Exkursion: Folkwangmuseum Essen

(SS 2005) Seminar mit Gastrednerin:  Wahrnehmungstheorie, Gast: Dr. Angela Martini, Witten/Herdecke mit Exkursion/Vortrag Museum Ludwig, Köln: mit Vortrag von Bazon Brock
(SS 2005) Workshop mit Ausstellung: Artist in Residence: Hartwig Kompa, Oberhausen,

(07/2005) Tagesseminar mit Exkursion: Videonale 10 - Festival zur zeitgenössischen Videokunst, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Kuratorengespräch

(WS 2005) Seminar mit Exkursion:  Kunstströmungen nach 1945.
Exkursionen: Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum Hagen, Gespräch mit dem Museumsdirektor Dr. Michael Fehr, Kunstmuseum Bonn

(WS 2005) Workshop: Artist in Residence: Hartwig Kompa, Oberhausen, MalereiMalerei

(11/2005) Vortrag in der Seminarreihe Kulturreflexion: Ernst Cassirer, Philosophie der Symbolischen Formen
(11/2005) Tagesseminar mit Exkursion: Sinn und Zweck von Kunstförderung durch Firmen. 25 Jahre Sammlung Deutsche Bank Frankfurt«, Kuratorengespräch

(01/2006) Tagesseminar mit David Hornemann M.A. und Prof. Dr. Michael Hutter:
Kunst = Kapital!? Joseph Beuys und der Kapitalismus

(SS 2006) Workshop mit Ausstellung: Artist in Residence: Karl Manfred Rennertz, Baden-Baden, Bildhauerei

(SS 2006) Workshop mit Exkursion: Artist in Residence: Katharina Sieverding, Berlin, Fotokunst, Exkursion ins Atelier in Düsseldorf
(SS 2006) Seminar mit Gastredner:  Anselm Kiefer, Gast: Prof. Dr. Jörn Rüsen, KWI Essen, Präsident des Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut.

Sommeruniversität Villigst e.V., evangelische Studienstiftung, Meißen:


Teaching assignment: Blockseminar mit Exkursionen: Cézanne - van Gogh - Monet. Vom Gegenständlichen zur Abstraktion. Kunst und Theorie mit Exkursion zum Kupferstichkabinett Dresden

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Fakultät Gestaltung:

Research assistant and PR officer

- Seminars for all courses of study:

product design

visual communication

fine arts

teaching profession for grammar schools

- Workshops on PR
- Editor of the yearbook: "Das Weimarer Modell", 2009
- Responsible for the presentation of the faculty in the university newspaper

"Der Bogen" and on the homepage
- Supervision of the Rundgang 2008 and 2009 including the supervision of 90 years Bauhaus "Alles Gute" of the Bauhaus-University together with Bill Schulz

(SS 2008) Workshop: PR from Plato to today

(SS 2008) Seminar: Sense and sensibility – positions in philosophy, art theory and the arts

(WS 2008) Seminar: War and Art

(WS 2008) Workshop: PR from Plato to today

(SS 2009) Seminar:  Image and symbol. Horizons of cultural values

(SS 2009) Workshop: PR from Plato to today

Züricher Hochschule der Künste, Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts

2012, May to September

Research project at the Institute for Cultural Studies, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Basel, University of Design and Art and the Institute of Neurosciences, Parma, Italy, Prof. Dr. Vittorio Gallese:

»Abstract.Amodal.Affective: Exploring Unconscious Aesthetic Processes in the Creation of Art/Design - A Contribution to the Question of Knowledge and Competence in the Visual Arts«

Project team:

  • Applicant: Prof. Martin Wiedmer (FHNW HGK, IDK)
  • Co-applicant: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade ZhdK, Zurich
  • Project representative: Dr. Martina Sauer (FHNW HGK)
  • Katrin Heimann (PhD student, Neuroscience Institute, Parma)
  • Assistants: Jana Kessler (MA graduate, Fashion Institute) and Yolanda Bürgi & Elin Gonzalez (students, Institute of Art) & Silvia Bergmann (filmmaker/technology)

Cooperation partner/practice:

  • FHNW HGK Basel Institute Fashion Design, Prof. Kurt Zihlmann
  • FHNW HGK. Basel Institute for Scenography and Interior Design, Prof. Andreas Wenger FHNW HGK Basel Institute Art, Prof. René Pulfer
  • University of Parma, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze - Section di Fisiologia, Universita' di Parma, Prof. Vittorio Gallese M.D

Cooperation partner/team of experts/theory:

  • Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade, ZHdK Zurich, Head of the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts
  • Prof. Dr. Lambert Wiesing, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Chair of Image Theory and Phenomenology
  • Prof. Dr. Raphael Rosenberg, University of Vienna, Institute for Art History

Cooperation partners/young scientists:

  • Katrin Heimann, doctoral student with Vittorio Gallese, neuroscience
  • Dr. Vlad Ionnesco, University of Leuven, Belgium, Philosophy/Art Studies
  • Daniel Hug, PhD student, AD Interaction Design, Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK

Hochschule für Künste Bremen:

WS 2011/2012

Teaching assignment / seminar with Mona Schieren M.A.
Seminar mit Exkursionen: Linie zwischen Umriss und Aktion – Positionen und Theorieansätze in Philosophie, Kunsttheorie und Kunst.

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Basel, Institute of Art:


Research assistent for theory of art at the Forum Kunst BA of the Institute of Art with a focus on new media In winter term 2011 and summer term 2012 (Substitute for Prof. Dr. Melanie Franke) and lecturer for theory of art and design

- Excursions: ART Basel, 3 days in Frankfurt galleries and museums in Basel

- Lecturer for theory of art for the context courses of all study programme

(BA and MA): fine art, fashion, visual communication, interior design and scenography, teaching professions design and art

- Mentor and jury member for theory of art: BA Forum Institute of Art.
- BA and MA final examiner

(FS 2010) Blockseminar: 2 Theoriewochen - Bild und Symbol. Platon, Kant – Cassirer, Warburg, Böhme und Belting

(HS 2010/11)  2 Tage Mastersymposium für alle Schweizer Hochschulen für Gestaltung im Schaulager Basel, Seminarschwerpunkt: Inszenierte Fotografie

(HS 2010/11) Seminar: Wie verstehen wir Bilder? Positionen aus Philosophie und Kunsttheorie

(HS 2010) Vorlesung: Was sagen uns Bilder? Positionen aus Philosophie und Kunsttheorie

(HS 2011/12) Seminar mit Exkursionen: Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung in Philosophie und Kunsttheorie:
Exkursionen: Vitra Design Museum: Architektur; Kunstmuseum Basel: Sammlung; Shedhalle Zürich: Kurator- und Künstlergespräch zur Ausstellung: „Unter Strom. Kunst und Elektrizität“

(HS 2011/12) Seminar: Werke der Gestaltung und Kunst im Zeitalter der digitalen Medien - Walter Benjamin

(FS 2012) Seminar mit Gastrednerin: »Lust und Unlust«. Diskussion von Gestaltung und Kunst als ästhetische Erfahrung, Gast: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade, Zürich

(FS 2012) Vorlesung: Zwischen Reiz und Rührung: Kunst und Kitsch im Widerstreit

(HS 2012/13) Seminar mit Exkursionen: Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung in Philosophie und Kunsttheorie, Exkursionen: Vitra Design Museum: Pop-Art Design Ausstellung; Kunstmuseum Basel: Sammlung + Arte Povera Ausstellung; Haus für Elektronische Medien: Regionale-Ausstellung „Hidden/Obvious“)

(HS 2012/13) Vorlesung: Stil !? Positionen in Philosophie, Kunsttheorie und Kunst

(HS 2013/14) Seminar mit Exkursionen:  Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung in Philosophie und Kunsttheorie: Exkursionen: Tinguely Museum Ausstellung: METAMATIC Reloaded, Gespräch mit dem Kurator; Kunstmuseum Basel: Sammlung + Ausstellung: Mondrian, Newmann, Flavin

Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences

AMD,   Akademie Mode & Design Hamburg and Düsseldorf:

2021 - 2024

- Lecturer / online seminars: Basics on Perception and Design I and II

- Research Project: "Affective Perception and Design" AMD Hamburg and Institute of Technology Genova/Parma, Italy

- Educational Film (intranet): Margaret and Christine Wertheim. Value and Change of Corals, Museum Frieder Burda Baden-Baden with Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner


(WS 2021-22) Hamburg: in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice I

(SS 2022) Hamburg: online seminar, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice II

(SS 2022) Hamburg: Educational film (Intranet): "Margaret und Christine Wertheim. Wert und Wandel der Korallen", Museum Frieder Burda Baden-Baden, mit Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner, AMD Hamburg

(SS 2022) Hamburg: Research Project "Affective Perception and Design" together with FB Design Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner and Institute of Technology (IIT) Genua/Parma, Italy, CONTACT lab, Dr. Giuseppe di Cesare und Phd student Giada Lombardi:

(WS 2022-23) Hamburg: in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design I: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice

(SS 2024) Hamburg: online seminar in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice II


(WS 2021-22) Düsseldorf: on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice I

(SS 2022) Düsseldorf: online seminar on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice II

(WS 2022-23) Düsseldorf: on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design I: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice

(SS 2023) Düsseldorf: online seminar on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice II

(WS 2023-24) Düsseldorf: online seminar on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice II

(SS 2024) Düsseldorf: online seminar on the topic: Basics on Perception and Design: Approaches in natural science and cultural studies: differences, methods, and practice II

UdK, Universität der Künste, Berlin

WS 2024

Lecture and workshop with excursion to the Gemäldegalerie at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Susanne Hauser:

Vitality Semiotics: Methods from Art Historical Practice: Space in European Art History

MSD, Münster School of Design

WS 2025

Seminar in the newly founded master's program over 3 semesters:

Master Illustration, Theory

Guest Lectures/Seminars:

  • (6/2015) Guest seminar: Prof. Dr. Roland Posner, Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation, Technische Universität Berlin: Seminarvortrag mit Diskussion: »Nicht-intentionale oder intentionale Logik? Zur Frage der Eigenlogik von Bildern (11.06.2015)
  • (11/2015) Guest seminar: Prof. Dr. Roland Posner, Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation, Technische Universität Berlin: Die Rolle der Zeichen im Aufbau von Kultur: Atmosphäre, Stimmung, Aura, Milieu, Vortrag im Seminar: »Stimmung« als Modus des Erlebens von Bildern ( 26.11.2015)
  • (1/2016) Lecture series ot the DGS, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik, Universität Passau: Grenzen. Kontakt - Kontrast - Kommunikation, with a lecture on: »Grenzen zwischen Ästhetik und Semiotik?«, (07.01.2016, 6-8 pm)

Stadt Bühl, Bildungsportal

Stadt Baden-Baden, Studium Generale
Guided thematic tours through museums
Seminars in philosophy, culture, art, design, and architecture 

Image – Culture – Philosophy

Series on (Cultural) Anthropology
- Nicholas Cusanus "De Beryllo" 1458: On a founder of cultural studies in the 15th century (2017)
- Free will or unfree will? On a dispute between Erasmus of Rotterdam and Martin Luther from 1524/25 until today (2017)
- Enthusiasm. On a feeling inspired by the muses (2017)
-  Primitivism? On the re-evaluation of indigenous in comparison to supposedly civilized forms of society (2018)

- Myths, Fake News and Alternative Truths? (2021). Answers from Philosophy

Series on Modern Era

- What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant and the educational reform by Wilhelm von Humboldt (2018)

- What is Enlightenment - for women? (2019)

Series on Postmodern Age

- 300 years Kant: Are we enlightened? Questions for Immanuel Kant today (2024)

- What is Postmodernism? Towards a new self-image of mankind since the 80s ( 2019)

- "The dispute over difference. Feminism and postmodernism in the present time"

Series on the Understanding of Time

- Future: Time. What is it for us? Answers by Ernst Cassirer (2020)
- Past: Vintage - Retro - "Shabby-Chic". Why? Answers from Frame Theory (2021)
- Present: Enthusiasm - Answers by Plato (2021)
- Breaks: What's the point? When the familiar and the traditional are called into question by art and design
- Answers by Walter Benjamin (SS 2021)

- Metaverse (WS 2023-24)

Series on Contemporary Issues with a Focus on Identities

- Humanism and Pragmatism: Anglo-American vs. European Thought (2019)

- Alsace or ali-sāzzo“ . Residents of the other bank of the Rhine. Postmodern philosophy in a new light (2021)

- Jewish Scholars Excluded in Germany. Consequences from the history of science: "The Hamburg Circle" 1919-1933  (2021)

- Russia: Post-Communism and Media (2023)

- Colonialism and Women (2023)

Series on Architecture, Art and Design and their philosophical background:
- On the "revolutionary potential" of the central building idea from the beginning of the Renaissance to modern times (2017)
- Architecture and Philosophy in Absolutism and Enlightenment (2018)
- The simple life. Indigenous forms of housing and construction in North and South America and its after-effects in art (2018)
- "Form Follows Function" – In architecture and design in the USA and Europe (SS 2019)

- 100 Years of Bauhaus (1919-2019). On the origin and development of a significant movement in Europe and the USA (2019)

- "Anything Goes". Postmodern architecture and its backgrounds in the real world  (WS 2019)

- Vintage - Retro - Shabby Chick. Why? (2021)
- Women at the Bauhaus (1919-1933) (2021)
- Why? When the familiar and traditional is challenged by art and design (2021)
- "Zaha Hadid flies away from the ordinary and far into the future". Postmodern architecture as an expression of the spirit of life today (2021)

- Political myths: Anselm Kiefer (2022)

- Russia and Communism form the first hour in images (2022)

- Turner and Sensualism (2023)

Guided tours:
- Paul Cézanne, Metamorphoses, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (2017)
- America, America, How real is real? Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- James Turrell, The Substance of Light, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- Die Brücke and Expressionism, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- War and media as part of the past, present and future: to the exhibition „Ensemble“ – Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden und Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris in Baden-Baden (2019)

- Postmodern Worlds – Deconstruction of the Familiar: "Karin Kneffel" in the Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2019)

- Why do we Collect? The Burda Brothers. Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden ( 2020)

- Impressionism in Russia. Dawn of the Avant-Garde, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2021)

- Katharina Sieverding. In Between Art and Politics, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2021)

- Margaret and Christine Wertheim. Value and Transformation of Corals (2022)

- Transformers. ´AI-Beings´ and classical art from the museum´s collection (2023)

- Nicolas Party: When Tomorrow Comes: New Perspectives on Space and Time (2004)

Ryan Gander, Mouse, animatroin figure, 2019, part of the exibition  Transformers, Museum Frieder Burda, 2023

Video: Martina Sauer

Thematic tour with Martina Sauer through Daniel Knorr's installation room in the exhibition ImPossible at the Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden. Photo: Marie-Christine Heck, March 22, 2024

Frieder Burda Museum, Baden-Baden
Guided thematic tours (Ger., Fr., Engl.)
- Heinz Mack, Licht - Schatten (2015)
- Andreas Gursky (2015/2016)
- Gerhard Richter, Birkenau (2016)
- Katharina Grosse (2016)
- Die Kerze (2016/2017)
- Sigmar Polke, Alchemie und Arabeske (2017)
- Rodney Graham, Lightening Box (2017)
- America! America! – How Real ist real? (2018)
- James Turrell, The Substance of Light (2018)
- Die Brücke (2018/2019)
- "Ensemble", Centre Georges Pompidou and Museum Frieder Burda (2019)

- Karin Kneffel (2019)

- The Burda Brothers (2020)

- Impressionism in Russia. Setting out for the avant-garde (2021)

- Katharina Sievering. In Between Art and Politics (2021)

- Value and Transformation of Corals: Christine and Margaret Wertheim (2022)

- Transformers. Meeting of ´AI-Beings´ and classical art from the museum´s collection (2023)

- Nicolas Party: When Tomorrow Comes: New Perspectives on Space and Time (2024)

- ImPossible. Art can give shape to the impossible. For what reason? (2024)

- I feel the Earth Whisper. Bianca Bondi, Sam Falls, Julian Charrière, Ernesto Neto (2024)

- Angry Girls. Yoshitomo Nara. Retrospektive (2024-25)

Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
Guided thematic tours (Ger., Fr., Engl.)
- Metamorphosen – Cézanne (2017-2018)

Postmodern Worlds. Deconstruction of the Familiar: Karin Kneffel at Museum Frieder Burda, 10.10.2019, Photo: Martina Sauer

Udo Kittelmann, the curator of Museum Frieder Burda, and the Swiss artist Nicolas Party in front of "Red Forest", 2023, pastel, 1063 x 623 cm, Foto: Martina Sauer, November 2,2023

Between Art and Science:
Christine and Margaret Wertheim at the Museum Frieder Burda Baden-Baden,

Jan. 27, 2022

Below: Crochet Coral Reef, Satellite Baden-Baden, Photos: Martina Sauer


activities in research

and teaching

Video-Lecture on Transformations Using the Example of Photo Series by

Katharina Sievering

Katharina Sieverding, Transformer Cyan Solarisation 5 A/B, 1973/74. Color photograph, acrylic, and steel frames, 2 parts, each 190 x 125 cm, © Klaus Mettig,

VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021

Technical University of Chemnitz

Online Conference of the German Society of Semiotics about Transformations, Section Image:

Panel Speech, Video lecture, September 28, 2021 on

Vitality Semiotics. Impulses from the Hamburg Circle around Warburg, Cassirer and Werner about a new Method in Image and Cultural Philosophy

Article on postmodern worlds using as an example the pictures of Karin Kneffel

Karin Kneffel, Trauben, 240 x 199,8 cm, Museum Frieder Burda

Foto: Karin Kneffel

Martina Sauer, "Karin Kneffel and the deconstruction of the familiar as liberation from determiniation".

In   On the Postmodern Age,
ed. by Martina Sauer, 101—120. [Art Style 6, 2020, New York, São Paulo]

Educational Film

about Art and Sciences

"The Midden", Baden-Baden, collection of

plastic waste, Explanations from the

mathematician Margaret Wertheim,

Photo: Martina Sauer, 27.01.2022

Fresenius Hochschule

University of Applied Sciences, Germany

SS 2022 educational film (intranet)

Cultural history of formation II, exibition and participative project:

"Margaret und Christine Wertheim. Value and Change of Coral Reefs", Museum Frieder Burda Baden-Baden, together with Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner, Akademie Mode & Design, Hamburg

Stadt Bühl, Bildungsportal

Stadt Baden-Baden, Studium Generale
Guided thematic tours through museums
Seminars in philosophy, culture, art, design, and architecture 

Image – Culture – Philosophy

Series on (Cultural) Anthropology
- Nicholas Cusanus "De Beryllo" 1458: On a founder of cultural studies in the 15th century (2017)
- Free will or unfree will? On a dispute between Erasmus of Rotterdam and Martin Luther from 1524/25 until today (2017)
- Enthusiasm. On a feeling inspired by the muses (2017)
-  Primitivism? On the re-evaluation of indigenous in comparison to supposedly civilized forms of society (2018)

- Myths, Fake News and Alternative Truths? (2021). Answers from Philosophy

Series on Modern Era

- What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant and the educational reform by Wilhelm von Humboldt (2018)

- What is Enlightenment - for women? (2019)

Series on Postmodern Age

- 300 years Kant: Are we enlightened? Questions for Immanuel Kant today (2024)

- What is Postmodernism? Towards a new self-image of mankind since the 80s ( 2019)

- "The dispute over difference. Feminism and postmodernism in the present time"

Series on the Understanding of Time

- Future: Time. What is it for us? Answers by Ernst Cassirer (2020)
- Past: Vintage - Retro - "Shabby-Chic". Why? Answers from Frame Theory (2021)
- Present: Enthusiasm - Answers by Plato (2021)
- Breaks: What's the point? When the familiar and the traditional are called into question by art and design
- Answers by Walter Benjamin (SS 2021)

- Metaverse (WS 2023-24)

Series on Contemporary Issues with a Focus on Identities

- Humanism and Pragmatism: Anglo-American vs. European Thought (2019)

- Alsace or ali-sāzzo“ . Residents of the other bank of the Rhine. Postmodern philosophy in a new light (2021)

- Jewish Scholars Excluded in Germany. Consequences from the history of science: "The Hamburg Circle" 1919-1933  (2021)

- Russia: Post-Communism and Media (2023)

- Colonialism and Women (2023)

Series on Architecture, Art and Design and their philosophical background:
- On the "revolutionary potential" of the central building idea from the beginning of the Renaissance to modern times (2017)
- Architecture and Philosophy in Absolutism and Enlightenment (2018)
- The simple life. Indigenous forms of housing and construction in North and South America and its after-effects in art (2018)
- "Form Follows Function" – In architecture and design in the USA and Europe (SS 2019)

- 100 Years of Bauhaus (1919-2019). On the origin and development of a significant movement in Europe and the USA (2019)

- "Anything Goes". Postmodern architecture and its backgrounds in the real world  (WS 2019)

- Vintage - Retro - Shabby Chick. Why? (2021)
- Women at the Bauhaus (1919-1933) (2021)
- Why? When the familiar and traditional is challenged by art and design (2021)
- "Zaha Hadid flies away from the ordinary and far into the future". Postmodern architecture as an expression of the spirit of life today (2021)

- Political myths: Anselm Kiefer (2022)

- Russia and Communism form the first hour in images (2022)

- Turner and Sensualism (2023)

Guided tours:
- Paul Cézanne, Metamorphoses, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (2017)
- America, America, How real is real? Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- James Turrell, The Substance of Light, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- Die Brücke and Expressionism, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- War and media as part of the past, present and future: to the exhibition „Ensemble“ – Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden und Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris in Baden-Baden (2019)

- Postmodern Worlds – Deconstruction of the Familiar: "Karin Kneffel" in the Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2019)

- Why do we Collect? The Burda Brothers. Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden ( 2020)

- Impressionism in Russia. Dawn of the Avant-Garde, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2021)

- Katharina Sieverding. In Between Art and Politics, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2021)

- Margaret and Christine Wertheim. Value and Transformation of Corals (2022)

- Transformers. ´AI-Beings´ and classical art from the museum´s collection (2023)

- Nicolas Party: When Tomorrow Comes: New Perspectives on Space and Time (2004)

Teaching Training
Protestant and catholic teacher: Handelslehranstalt Bruchsal,

21.09.2018:  What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant and the consequences
for the educational reform by Wilhelm von Humboldtt

01.10.2019: A-Levels: god proofs

Erbprinz Ettlingen (near by Karlsruhe), private

Vhs Baden-Baden: SS 2025: Platon: The Allegory of the Cave

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