Video-Lecture on Transformations Using the Example of Photo Series by
Katharina Sievering
Katharina Sieverding, Transformer Cyan Solarisation 5 A/B, 1973/74. Color photograph, acrylic, and steel frames, 2 parts, each 190 x 125 cm, © Klaus Mettig,
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021
Technical University of Chemnitz
Online Conference of the German Society of Semiotics about Transformations, Section Image:
Video lecture, September 28, 2021 on
Vitality Semiotics. Impulses from the Hamburg Circle around Warburg, Cassirer and Werner about a new Method in Image and Cultural Philosophy
Article on postmodern worlds using as an example the pictures of Karin Kneffel
Karin Kneffel, Trauben, 240 x 199,8 cm, Museum Frieder Burda Foto: Karin Kneffel
Guided, thematic tours on art and philosophy at the Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden:
German and English, 60 min.:
December 10, 2022 to April 30, 2023
Transformers. ´AI-Beings´ and classical art from the museum´s collection
Ryan Gander, Mouse, animatroin figure,
2019, Museum Frieder Burda, Video: Martina Sauer
What is the meaning of AI* as a means of art? What distinguishes such works? What rank do they occupy vis-à-vis the classical arts? The dialogue between the two is the theme of the current exhibition at the Museum Frieder Burda in Baden-Baden. It was curated by Udo Kittelmann.
Here, the latest generation of ´AI beings´ and classic art from the museum´s collection meet. The encounter makes it possible in an unusual way to bring the works, each created by humans, into a dialogue in which answers to the meaning of art and what it is able to show us about ourselves emerge.
The amazing thing is that the encounter speaks of human passions rather than possible knowledge about ourselves and the world than we might suspect.
AI* Artificial Intelligence
"The Midden", Baden-Baden, collection of plastic waste, Explanations from the mathematicianMargaret Wertheim
Photo: Martina Sauer, 27.01.2022
Fresenius Hochschule
University of Applied Sciences
SS 2022 educational film (intranet)
Cultural history of formation II, exibition and participative project:
"Margaret und Christine Wertheim. Value and Change of Coral Reefs", Museum Frieder Burda Baden-Baden, together with Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner, Akademie Mode & Design, Hamburg
Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy
Dr. phil. Martina Sauer
Wörthstraße 1
Germany - 77815 Bühl (Baden-Baden)