Educational Institutions


Stadt Bühl, Bildungsportal

Stadt Baden-Baden, Studium Generale
Guided thematic tours through museums
Seminars in philosophy, culture, art, design, and architecture 

Image – Culture – Philosophy

Series on (Cultural) Anthropology
- Nicholas Cusanus "De Beryllo" 1458: On a founder of cultural studies in the 15th century (2017)
- Free will or unfree will? On a dispute between Erasmus of Rotterdam and Martin Luther from 1524/25 until today (2017)
- Enthusiasm. On a feeling inspired by the muses (2017)
-  Primitivism? On the re-evaluation of indigenous in comparison to supposedly civilized forms of society (2018)

- Myths, Fake News and Alternative Truths? (2021). Answers from Philosophy

Series on Modern Era

- Hilla von Rebay and Peggy Guggenheim: Two protagonists who shaped the art world with their commitment to the Guggenheim Museum (2024)

- What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant and the educational reform by Wilhelm von Humboldt (2018)

- What is Enlightenment - for women? (2019)

Series on Postmodern Age

- 300 years Kant: Are we enlightened? Questions for Immanuel Kant today

- What is Postmodernism? Towards a new self-image of mankind since the 80s ( 2019)

- "The dispute over difference. Feminism and postmodernism in the present time"

Series on the Understanding of Time

 - Future: Time. What is it for us? Answers by Ernst Cassirer (2020)
- Past: Vintage - Retro - "Shabby-Chic". Why? Answers from Frame Theory (2021)
- Present: Enthusiasm - Answers by Plato (2021)
- Breaks: What's the point? When the familiar and the traditional are called into question by art and design
- Answers by Walter Benjamin (SS 2021)

- Metaverse (WS 2023-24)

Historical series (Identities)

- Humanism and Pragmatism: Anglo-American vs. European Thought (2019)

- Alsace or ali-sāzzo“ . Residents of the other bank of the Rhine. Postmodern philosophy in a new light (2021)

- Jewish Scholars Excluded in Germany. Consequences from the history of science: "The Hamburg Circle" 1919-1933  (2021)

- Russia: Post-Communism and Media (2023)

- Who am I? Colonialism and Africa (2023)

Series on Architecture, Art and Design and their philosophical background:
- On the "revolutionary potential" of the central building idea from the beginning of the Renaissance to modern times (2017)
- Architecture and Philosophy in Absolutism and Enlightenment (2018)
- The simple life. Indigenous forms of housing and construction in North and South America and its after-effects in art (2018)
- "Form Follows Function" – In architecture and design in the USA and Europe (SS 2019)

- 100 Years of Bauhaus (1919-2019). On the origin and development of a significant movement in Europe and the USA (2019)

- "Anything Goes". Postmodern architecture and its backgrounds in the real world  (WS 2019)

- Vintage - Retro - Shabby Chick. Why? (2021)
- Women at the Bauhaus (1919-1933) (2021)
- Why? When the familiar and traditional is challenged by art and design (2021)
- "Zaha Hadid flies away from the ordinary and far into the future". Postmodern architecture as an expression of the spirit of life today (2021)

- Political myths: Anselm Kiefer (2022)

- Russia and Communism form the first hour in images (2022)

- Turner and Sensualism (2023)

Guided tours:
- Paul Cézanne, Metamorphoses, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (2017)
- America, America, How real is real? Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- James Turrell, The Substance of Light, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- Die Brücke and Expressionism, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2018)
- War and media as part of the past, present and future: to the exhibition „Ensemble“ – Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden und Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris in Baden-Baden (2019)

- Postmodern Worlds – Deconstruction of the Familiar: "Karin Kneffel" in the Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2019)

- Why do we Collect? The Burda Brothers. Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden ( 2020)

- Impressionism in Russia. Dawn of the Avant-Garde, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2021)

- Katharina Sieverding. In Between Art and Politics, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (2021)

- Margaret and Christine Wertheim. Value and Transformation of Corals (2022)

- Transformers. ´AI-Beings´ and classical art from the museum´s collection (2023)

- Nicolas Party: When Tomorrow Comes: New Perspectives on Space and Time (2004)

Ryan Gander, Mouse, animatroin figure, 2019, part of the exibition  Transformers, Museum Frieder Burda, 2023

Video: Martina Sauer

Thematic tour with Martina Sauer through Daniel Knorr's installation room in the exhibition ImPossible at the Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden. Photo: Marie-Christine Heck, March 22, 2024

Frieder Burda Museum, Baden-Baden
Guided thematic tours (Ger., Fr., Engl.)
- Heinz Mack, Licht - Schatten (2015)
- Andreas Gursky (2015/2016)
- Gerhard Richter, Birkenau (2016)
- Katharina Grosse (2016)
- Die Kerze (2016/2017)
- Sigmar Polke, Alchemie und Arabeske (2017)
- Rodney Graham, Lightening Box (2017)
- America! America! – How Real ist real? (2018)
- James Turrell, The Substance of Light (2018)
- Die Brücke (2018/2019)
- "Ensemble", Centre Georges Pompidou and Museum Frieder Burda (2019)

- Karin Kneffel (2019)

- The Burda Brothers (2020)

- Impressionism in Russia. Setting out for the avant-garde (2021)

- Katharina Sievering. In Between Art and Politics (2021)

- Value and Transformation of Corals: Christine and Margaret Wertheim (2022)

- Transformers. Meeting of ´AI-Beings´ and classical art from the museum´s collection (2023)

- Nicolas Party: When Tomorrow Comes: New Perspectives on Space and Time (2024)

- ImPossible. Art can give shape to the impossible. For what reason? (2024)

Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
Guided thematic tours (Ger., Fr., Engl.)
- Metamorphosen – Cézanne (2017-2018)

Postmodern Worlds. Deconstruction of the Familiar: Karin Kneffel at Museum Frieder Burda, 10.10.2019, Photo: Martina Sauer

Udo Kittelmann, the curator of Museum Frieder Burda, and the Swiss artist Nicolas Party in front of "Red Forest", 2023, pastel, 1063 x 623 cm, Foto: Martina Sauer, November 2,2023

Between Art and Science:
Christine and Margaret Wertheim at the Museum Frieder Burda Baden-Baden,

Jan. 27, 2022

Below: Crochet Coral Reef, Satellite Baden-Baden, Photos: Martina Sauer


activities in research

and teaching

Video-Lecture on Transformations Using the Example of Photo Series by

Katharina Sievering

Katharina Sieverding, Transformer Cyan Solarisation 5 A/B, 1973/74. Color photograph, acrylic, and steel frames, 2 parts, each 190 x 125 cm, © Klaus Mettig,

VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021

Technical University of Chemnitz

Online Conference of the German Society of Semiotics about Transformations, Section Image: 

Video lecture, September 28, 2021 on

Vitality Semiotics. Impulses from the Hamburg Circle around Warburg, Cassirer and Werner about a new Method in Image and Cultural Philosophy

Article on postmodern worlds using as an example the pictures of Karin Kneffel

Karin Kneffel, Trauben, 240 x 199,8 cm, Museum Frieder Burda Foto: Karin Kneffel

In On the Postmodern Age,
ed. by Martina Sauer, 101—120
Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine,
New York, São Paulo.
Special issue  6,
September 2020

Article on "Karin Kneffel and the deconstruction of the familiar as liberation from determiniation".

Educational Film about

Art and Sciences

"The Midden", Baden-Baden, collection of plastic

waste, Explanations from the mathematicianMargaret Wertheim, Photo: Martina Sauer, 27.01.2022

Fresenius Hochschule

University of Applied Sciences

SS 2022 educational film (intranet)

Cultural history of formation II, exibition and participative project:

"Margaret und Christine Wertheim. Value and Change of Coral Reefs", Museum Frieder Burda Baden-Baden, together with Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner, Akademie Mode & Design, Hamburg

Teacher Training High School

Teacher Training
Protestant and catholic teacher: Handelslehranstalt Bruchsal,

21.09.2018:  What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant and the consequences
for the educational reform by Wilhelm von Humboldt

01.10.2019: A-Levels: god proofs

Debating Club: Philosophy +

Erbprinz Ettlingen (near by Karlsruhe): private

Vhs Baden-Baden: SS 2025: Plato - The Allegory of the Cave

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