YouTube 20-minute talk,
Vitality Semiotics and Katharina Sievering,
In German:
YouTube 20-minute talk,
Vitality Semiotics and Katharina Sievering,
28.09.2021: In English:
05.10.2024 “They even grew fond of them” (Kant 1784). About role models from women (and men), Schloss Favorite, Rastatt, privat
24. - 28.09.2024, Keynote speech Martina Sauer and the neuroscientist Giuseppe Di Cesare from Italy on "Vitality forms in action, speech, and design: a powerful communication tool for social interactions" at the 17. international congress of the German Society of Semiotics (hybrid) at the RPTU in Landau (Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität) about Signs.Cultures.Digitality
23.05. – 25.05.2024, Vortrag über "Lady Gaga: Storytelling von Frau & Körper im postfaktischen Zeitalter" auf dem Symposium der Münster School of Design in Kooperation mit der Universität Regensburgder über Storytelling/Transdisziplinär – Symposium Crossmediale Ästhetiken und postmoderne Mythenmaschinen: Bildkritik und Kommunikation im postfaktischen Zeitalter
14.06.2022 Lecture about Affective Perception and the ´Hamburg Circle´ at the Workshop of the research project on Affective Perception and Design with Giuseppe Di Cesare and Giada Lombardi (Neuroscientists, Genova/Parma, Italy) at Hochschule Fresenius, AMD, Hamburg
09/2022, Keynote speech on Vitality Semiotics: The Ever Beautiful and its Potential for an Intercultural Approach at Zhejjang University, Hangzhou, China, the internationale Online-Konferenz über Aesthetics of Atmosphere in an Intercultural Perspective, China (Publication in 2024, forthc.)
28.09.- 02.10.21 Opening lecture of the panel image on "Vitality Semiotics.
Impulses from the "Hamburg Circle" around Warburg and Cassirer for a new method in image and cultural studies" at the international and interdisciplinary online congress of the German Society for Semiotics (DGS) on Transformations. Signs and Objects in their Transition at the TU Chemnitz, 20 minutes video presentation on YouTube: in English and in German
10.7.2021: 7 pm, Series of events "Kultur im Klappstuhl" of the city of Bühl/Baden in summer 2021, lecture in the monastery courtyard of the Maria Hilf Monastery on How do our lives work side by side? The promise of happiness, security and community"
16.-18.10.20 International and interdisciplinary online conference on: Frames and Framing in Antiquity at Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC), Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, P. R. China: Section: Transfer Theory - Practice, wiht a lecture on:
Promise of Happiness, Security and Community − Frames and Framing in a new Light
06.08.20, 7:30 pm: Lecture series on: Enlightened or Manipulated? A look into our Society [Summer dialogues 2020] of the city of Baden-Baden at Museum LA 8 with a lecture on:
Are we Enlightened? Questions for Immanuel Kant Today:
03.04.20, Conference on: Aesthetics at the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland, UK, (verschoben, neuer Termin noch offen), Topic:
´Liberation from the parasitic existence at the ritual´. Perception of artistic artefacts between devotion and distance:
02/19 Conference on: „Critical Zone“, Universität Hamburg, Warburg Haus: Topic:
Interaction of nature and man after Ernst Cassirer: Expressive phenomena as indicators:
12/18 International and interdisciplinary conference on: The Future of Reading and Media [Fure+], at Münster School of Design, wiht a lecture on: Concept and Method for Understanding Analog and Digital Media:
Cf. conference fotos: Cf. article at BDG, Berufsverband der Kommunikationsdesigner:
11/18 International and interdisciplinary conference on: Mehrdeutigkeiten: Rahmentheorien und Affordanzkonzepte in den Archäologischen Bildwissenschaften [Topoi Plus] at Free University of Berlin (FU) with a lecture on:
Bildgestaltung und Mehrdeutigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Affordanz und Rahmen:
11/18 International and interdisciplinary conference at University of Freiburg i.B. on: Homo Pictor. Bildwissenschaft und Archäologien im Dialog, wiht a lecture on: Panofsky – Warburg – Cassirer. From Iconology to Image Studies:
09/17 15th international conference of the German Society of Semiotics (DGS) at Universität Passau, Panel Section Image, organized by Elisabeth Birk, Mark Halawa-Sarholz and Martina Sauer, with 18 lectures about »Ikonische Grenzverläufe: Szenarien des Eigenen, Anderen und Fremden im Bild«, Program:
09/17: Panel discussion on:
Die ethische Relevanz von Bildern und ihre nicht-sprachlichen (nicht diskursiven) Qualitäten, with Eva Schürmann (Philosophy, Magdeburg) und Joachim Knape (Allgemeine Rhetorik, Tübingen), organized and moderated by Martina Sauer.
06/17, 4–6 pm: Public lecture series at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik on rhetorics, with a lecture on: Rhetorik und Ästhetik. Zur Handlungsrelevanz von Bildern.
10/16: Symposion on Ernst Cassirer: Einflüsse, Rezeptionen, Wirkungen, of the International Society of Ernst Cassirer, at Warburg Haus, Hamburg, with a lecture on: Ernst Cassirer und die Kunsttheorie: Einflüsse und Nachwirkungen
01/16 Lecture series on: Grenzen, Vortrag im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Ringvorlesung
Kontakt – Kontrast – Kommunikation
of the German Society of Semiotics (DGS), winter term 2015/2016, thursdays 18-20 Uhr, University of Passau, Room (PHIL) HS 4, 26.11.2015, with a lecture on:
Grenzen zwischen Ästhetik und Semiotik?
11/15 Guest lecture with discussion on:
Stimmung« als Modus des Erlebens von Bildern, in: HS Prof. Dr. Roland Posner, Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation, TU Berlin: Die Rolle der Zeichen im Aufbau von Kultur: Atmosphäre, Stimmung, Aura, Milieu, 11.06.2015.
07/15 Conference of ISRE (International Society for Research on Emotions), with a presentation on:
Framing Emotional Perception: Affect and Effect of Aesthetic Experience, or Extensions of Aesthetic Theory towards a Visual Semiotics, Genf, Switzerland, 8.-10.07.2015
06/15 Guest lecture with discussion on »Nicht-intentionale oder intentionale Logik? Zur Frage der Eigenlogik von Bildern«, in: HS Prof. Dr. Roland Posner, Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation, TU Berlin: Nichtkommunikative Zeichenprozesse: Struktur und Funktion, 11.06.2015
02/15 Conference on: techne - poiesis - aisthesis, of the German Society of Aesthetics at Hamburg, lecture:
Bildkraft und Tatkraft: Zum Verhältnis von ästhischen Erfahrung und Technik bei Cassirer, Langer und Krois:
02 /15 Workshop on John M. Krois at the Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, HU Berlin:
11/14 Interdisciplinary and international conference on: Kognition – Repräsentation – Verkörperung: Erlebnisdimensionen und Sinnhorizonte audiovisueller Artefakte [Bewegtbilder], at FH Kiel, 20.-21.11.2014, with a lecture on: Abstrakt. Affektiv. Multimodal. Zu den Grundlagen der Interaktion zwischen Medium und Wahrnehmung von Bewegtbildern aus Sicht der Verkörperungstheorien von Cassirer, Langer und Krois
06/14 LangArts (Langage artistique Asie-Occidant), international and interdisciplinary conference on: Aesthetic Notions: Framing Emotional Perception, at Université de Paris-Sorbonne, France, with a lecture on: Process of Evaluation: Affect and Effect of Aesthetic Experience
03/14 Interdiciplinary conference on: Illustrierte Zeitschriften um 1900: Multimodalität und Metaisierung, at Universität Bayreuth, Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät:, with a lecture on: Zum Gehalt von Bildern im Medientransfer. Kunst- und kulturwissenschaftliche Überlegungen zu Mechanismen, Prozessen und Praktiken der Bedeutungsgenerierung durch das bzw. im Medium Bild
04/13 Interdiciplinary conference on: Medientransfer der Gesellschaft für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, at the University of Regensburg, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, with a lecture on: Zur Analogie von Gestaltungsprinzipien und Wahrnehmungsweisen. Ein Beitrag zur zeitgemäßen Erkenntnis des Bildes im Medientransfer
02/12 International conference on: "Les enfant de Herbart", at the Université de Paris-Sorbonne, France and the University at Prag, Czech Republic, with a lecture on: Aesthetic formalism in the German-speaking area today: non-verbal dialogue image theory
09/11 Colloquium at the University of Parma, Department of Neuroscience, Italy, Prof. Dr. Vittorio Gallese with a lecture on: Aesthetic formalism today: non-verbal dialogue image theory
07/11 Interdisciplinary conference on: Bruch - Schnitt - Riss. Deutungspotenziale von Trennungsmetaphorik of the Studienstiftung des dt. Volkes at Warburg-Haus, Hamburg, wiht a Lecture on: Kunst als ästhetische Strategie: Differenz von Hingabe und Distanz als Bruch und Voraussetzung für eine neue Form des Dialogs
04/11 International conference on: Ursprünge der Bilder. Anthropologische Diskurse in der Bildwissenschaft, of the Interdisciplinary Society of Image Sience Bildwissenschaft (GiB) at TU Chemnitz, with a presentation on: Cassirers Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Ursprung der Bilder
01/11 Interdisciplinary conference on: Passagen – Gedankengänge zwischen Kultur und Glauben with Hartmut Böhme on Heilige Dinge. Zur Verwechselbarkeit von Hostie und Geld (Lesung, Gespräch, Werkstatt) of the Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands (EDK) at Wittenberg, with a lecture on: Vom Aufladen mit Bedeutung in Kunst und Sprache (Cassirer, Warburg, Böhme)
09/11 First congress of art history in Switzerland, Bern, on: Affekt in Kunst und Visueller Kultur, with a lecture in the section of image on: Affekte als Grundlage für ein Bildverstehen? Zur Tragfähigkeit (kultur-) anthropologischer Forschungsansätze.
03/10 Public talks at Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel (HGK), Switzerland, with a lecture on: Art feminine. Bild- und kulturtheoretische Überlegungen
06/09 Colloquium at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena of Prof. Dr. Lambert Wiesing, with a lecture on: Wahrnehmen von Sinn vor jeder sprachlichen oder begrifflichen Fassung? Frage an Ernst Cassirer
11/06 Interdisciplinary conference on: Visuelle Repräsentation in der Forschungspraxis Universität at Leipzig, Leipziger Kreis – Forum für Wissenschaft und Kunst, with a lecture on: Wahrnehmungsvorgang und Kulturprozess
05/06 Lecture series of the University Witten-Herdecke, with a lecture on: Anselm Kiefer.
01/06 Colloquium series at University of Witten-Herdecke, with a lecture on:
Ernst Cassirer Bildbegriff und Kulturtheorie
Züricher Hochschule der Künste, Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts
2012, May to September
Research project at the Institute for Cultural Studies, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Schade in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Basel, Dr. Martina Sauer, FHNW HGK and the Institute of Neurosciences, Parma, Italy, Prof. Dr. Vittorio Gallese with PhD student Katrin Heimann:
»Abstract.Amodal.Affective: Exploring Unconscious Aesthetic Processes in the Creation of Art/Design - A Contribution to the Question of Knowledge and Competence in the Visual Arts«
Project team:
Cooperation partner/practice:
Cooperation partner/theory:
Cooperation partners/young scientists:
Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy,
Fresenius Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences
AMD Akademie Mode & Design Hamburg
and Institute of Technology Genua/Parma, Italy
Research Project in Hamburg/Germany
Summer Term 2022
Affective Perception and Design
together with AMD Hamburg / FB Design at Hochschule Fresenius: Prof. Dr. Petra Leutner and the Institute of Technology (IIT) Genoa/Parma, Italy CONTACT lab, Dr. Giuseppe Di Cesare and Giada Lombardi: and students from AMD Hamburg
June 13, 4 p.m. public guest lecture (hybrid) on "Affective Perception and Design" by Dr. Giuseppe di Cesare and PhD student Giada Lombardi ITT Genua/Parma, Italy, AMD / FB Design at Hochschule Fresenius, Alte Rabenstrasse 1, 20148 Hamburg, Room 1.01 (1st floor)
June, 14, lecures and workshop with students and the faculty: Giuseppe Di Cesare on "Affective Perception" and Martina Sauer on "The connection between vitals affects, vital forms and meaning formation: research backgrounds in cultural studies: Hamburg Circle 1919-1933"
German Society for Semiotics. International and interdisziplinary conference Signs.Cultures.Digitality. TU Landau, Germany
2024, September 24. -28.
DGS Panel Image & Fashion (Martina Sauer and Petra Leutner): Metaverse - KI and New Aesthetics? hybrid, D/En,. Program
of the panel image and fashion (hybrid, Ger/En) by Martina Sauer (image) und Petra Leutner (fashion) on
Metaverse - KI and New Aesthetics?
Keynote speech
Martina Sauer (image and cultural philosophy, Germany)
Giuseppe Di Cesare (neurosciences, Italy)
Vitality forms in action, speech, and design: a powerful communication tool for social interactions
Di Cesare, Giuseppe et al. The neuronal basis of vitality forms. In National Science Review 7 (2020), 202—13
Lombardi, Giada and Giuseppe Di Cesare. From Neuroscience to Art:
The Role of “Vitality Forms” in the Investigation of Multimodality. In Art Style 10, special issue on Multimodality, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, 09/2022, 11—23
Lombardi, Giada, Martina Sauer and Giuseppe di Cesare. An Affective Perception: How “Vitality Forms” Influence Our Mood? In Art Style 11, special issue on Atmosphere and Mood, edited by Martina Sauer & Zhufez Wang, 03/2023: 127—39
Sauer, Martina. Abstract — Affective — Multimodal. On the processing of moving images following Cassirer, Langer and Krois. In Bildkörper. On the relationship between image technologies and embodiment, hrsg. v. Lars Christian Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, Norbert M. Schmitz. Büchner: Darmstadt 2016, 46—71
Sauer, Martina. Developmental Psychology / Neuroscience and Art History - A Contribution to the Discussion of Form as the Basis of Perception and Design Principles. In, June 2011, 1—10
Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy and the Department of Food and Drug Sciences, University of Parma, Italy
Research Project in Parma/Italy
Summer Term 2025
Neurosciences and Humanities:
Affective Perception - Synchronization Effects - Design
Projekt Team:
Dr. Phil. Martina Sauer (Image and Cultural Philosophie)
Dr. Med. Giuseppe Di Cesare (Neurosciences)
Charlotte Engelke (B.A. Candidate Design)
Project Description:
What constitutes synchronization effects (coordination processes) of opinions, ideas, attitudes in a community? Why and how do they occur? To what extent does this also take place through images?
They are the neuroscientist Giuseppe Di Cesare from the research group form Parma in Italy on mirror neurons and vitality forms and philosopher and image scientist Martina Sauer form the Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy from Germany and her research on vitality semiotics (VS) and her former student, the B.A. candidate in design, Charlotte Engelke, form the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, AMD, Hamburg, who in their joint research project in Parma are specifically investigating on a neuroscientific basis how synchronization effects are stimulated through design.
Di Cesare, Giuseppe et al. The neuronal basis of vitality forms. In National Science Review 7 (2020), 202—13
Lombardi, Giada and Giuseppe Di Cesare. From Neuroscience to Art:
The Role of “Vitality Forms” in the Investigation of Multimodality. In: Art Style 10, special issue on Multimodality, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, 09/2022, 11—23
Lombardi, Giada, Martina Sauer and Giuseppe di Cesare. An Affective Perception: How “Vitality Forms” Influence Our Mood? In: Art Style 11, special issue on Atmosphere and Mood, edited by Martina Sauer & Zhufez Wang, 03/2023: 127—39
Sauer, Martina. Abstract — Affective — Multimodal. On the processing of moving images following Cassirer, Langer and Krois. In: Bildkörper. On the relationship between image technologies and embodiment, hrsg. v. Lars Christian Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, Norbert M. Schmitz. Büchner: Darmstadt 2016, 46—71
Sauer, Martina. Developmental Psychology / Neuroscience and Art History - A Contribution to the Discussion of Form as the Basis of Perception and Design Principles. In:, June 2011, 1—10.
Sauer, Martina.Marshall McLuhan in a new light. Old and new methods of influencing emotions in communities of the electronic age. In: Lars Grabbe, Andrew McLuhan & Tobias Held (eds.). Beyond media literacy. Marburg: Büchner 2023, 14-32.
Sauer, Martina. Vitality Semiotics (VS) and the Implications of Synchronization in Frames. Highlighted via the break caused by Katharina Sieverding's Transformers. In: Natalia Igl & Martina Sauer (eds.).
Frames and Framing: Dynamic Nature and Material Cognitive Interplays, special issue Zeitschrift für Semiotik, 3/4.
Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy, Martina Sauer PhD Phil
and her student B.A. candidate in design, Charlotte Engelke, form the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, AMD, Hamburg,
and the host institution: Department of Food and Drug Sciences, University of Parma, Italy, Giuseppe Di Cesare, PhD Med
Research Project
Summer Term 2025
Neurosciences and Humanities:
Affective Perception - Synchronization Effect - Design
What constitutes synchronization effects (coordination processes) of opinions, ideas, attitudes in a community? Why and how do they occur? To what extent does this also take place through images?
They are the neuroscientist Giuseppe Di Cesare from the research group form Parma in Italy on mirror neurons and vitality forms and philosopher and image scientist Martina Sauer form the Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy from Germany and her research on vitality semiotics (VS) and her former student, the B.A. candidate in design, Charlotte Engelke, form the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, AMD, Hamburg, who in their joint research project in Parma are specifically investigating on a neuroscientific basis how synchronization effects are stimulated through design.
Di Cesare, Giuseppe et al. The neuronal basis of vitality forms. In National Science Review 7 (2020), 202—13
Lombardi, Giada and Giuseppe Di Cesare. From Neuroscience to Art:
The Role of “Vitality Forms” in the Investigation of Multimodality. In: Art Style 10, special issue on Multimodality, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, 09/2022, 11—23
Lombardi, Giada, Martina Sauer and Giuseppe di Cesare. An Affective Perception: How “Vitality Forms” Influence Our Mood? In: Art Style 11, special issue on Atmosphere and Mood, edited by Martina Sauer & Zhufez Wang, 03/2023: 127—39
Sauer, Martina. Abstract — Affective — Multimodal. On the processing of moving images following Cassirer, Langer and Krois. In: Bildkörper. On the relationship between image technologies and embodiment, hrsg. v. Lars Christian Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, Norbert M. Schmitz. Büchner: Darmstadt 2016, 46—71
Sauer, Martina. Developmental Psychology / Neuroscience and Art History - A Contribution to the Discussion of Form as the Basis of Perception and Design Principles. In:, June 2011, 1—10.
Sauer, Martina.Marshall McLuhan in a new light. Old and new methods of influencing emotions in communities of the electronic age. In: Lars Grabbe, Andrew McLuhan & Tobias Held (eds.). Beyond media literacy. Marburg: Büchner 2023, 14-32.
Sauer, Martina. Vitality Semiotics (VS) and the Implications of Synchronization in Frames. Highlighted via the break caused by Katharina Sieverding's Transformers. In: Natalia Igl & Martina Sauer (eds.). Frames and Framing: Dynamic Nature and Material Cognitive Interplays, special issue Zeitschrift für Semiotik, 3/4.
Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy, Martina Sauer PhD Phil
and her student B.A. candidate in design, Charlotte Engelke, form the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, AMD, Hamburg,
and the host institution: Department of Food and Drug Sciences, University of Parma, Italy, Giuseppe Di Cesare, PhD Med
Research Project
Summer Term 2025
Neurosciences and Humanities:
Affective Perception - Synchronization Effect - Design
What constitutes synchronization effects (coordination processes) of opinions, ideas, attitudes in a community? Why and how do they occur? To what extent does this also take place through images?
They are the neuroscientist Giuseppe Di Cesare from the research group form Parma in Italy on mirror neurons and vitality forms and philosopher and image scientist Martina Sauer form the Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy from Germany and her research on vitality semiotics (VS) and her former student, the B.A. candidate in design, Charlotte Engelke, form the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, AMD, Hamburg, who in their joint research project in Parma are specifically investigating on a neuroscientific basis how synchronization effects are stimulated through design.
Di Cesare, Giuseppe et al. The neuronal basis of vitality forms. In National Science Review 7 (2020), 202—13
Lombardi, Giada and Giuseppe Di Cesare. From Neuroscience to Art:
The Role of “Vitality Forms” in the Investigation of Multimodality. In: Art Style 10, special issue on Multimodality, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, 09/2022, 11—23
Lombardi, Giada, Martina Sauer and Giuseppe di Cesare. An Affective Perception: How “Vitality Forms” Influence Our Mood? In: Art Style 11, special issue on Atmosphere and Mood, edited by Martina Sauer & Zhufez Wang, 03/2023: 127—39
Sauer, Martina. Abstract — Affective — Multimodal. On the processing of moving images following Cassirer, Langer and Krois. In: Bildkörper. On the relationship between image technologies and embodiment, hrsg. v. Lars Christian Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse, Norbert M. Schmitz. Büchner: Darmstadt 2016, 46—71
Sauer, Martina. Developmental Psychology / Neuroscience and Art History - A Contribution to the Discussion of Form as the Basis of Perception and Design Principles. In:, June 2011, 1—10.
Sauer, Martina.Marshall McLuhan in a new light. Old and new methods of influencing emotions in communities of the electronic age. In: Lars Grabbe, Andrew McLuhan & Tobias Held (eds.). Beyond media literacy. Marburg: Büchner 2023, 14-32.
Sauer, Martina. Vitality Semiotics (VS) and the Implications of Synchronization in Frames. Highlighted via the break caused by Katharina Sieverding's Transformers. In: Natalia Igl & Martina Sauer (eds.). Frames and Framing: Dynamic Nature and Material Cognitive Interplays, special issue Zeitschrift für Semiotik, 3/4.
Institute for Image and Cultural Philosophy
Dr. phil. Martina Sauer
Wörthstraße 1
Germany - 77815 Bühl (Baden-Baden)